Get a Shipment Exception

GET /shipment_exceptions/{shipment_exception_id}

Retrieve an existing Shipment Exception


  • Authorization string Required

    Authorize your API calls with an Arta API token

Path parameters


  • 200 application/json

    Successful Shipment Exception response

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    • A NaiveDatetime-formatted timestamp describing when the resource was created with microsecond precision

    • A human-readable label for the shipment exception provided when the type is other

    • hold_until string | null

      The optional date a shipment's collection or delivery is being held until. Will be in the YYYY-MM-DD format

    • id string

      The unique ID of the shipment exception

    • package_id integer | null

      The ID of package associated with the shipment exception. Provided only if the shipment exception is associated with a specific package

    • resolution string | null

      A brief description of how a resolved shipment exception was resolved

    • The ID for the shipment associated to the shipment exception

    • source string

      The context in which this shipment exception was created

    • The current resolution status for a shipment exception

      Values are new, in_progress, or resolved.

    • type string

      The type ID for this resource. Options are defined in the Shipment Exception Types metadata endpoint

    • A NaiveDatetime-formatted timestamp describing when the resource was last updated with microsecond precision

  • 404 application/json

    Resource Not Found

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    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • errors object
      Hide errors attribute Show errors attribute object
GET /shipment_exceptions/{shipment_exception_id}
curl \
 -X GET{shipment_exception_id} \
 -H "Authorization: ARTA_APIKey s0e1t2e3c4a5s6t7r8o9n10o11m12y"
Response examples (200)
  "id": "f45a4526-53af-4c0a-8f1a-b6967dd87c01",
  "type": "requested_hold_to_collect",
  "source": "api",
  "status": "new",
  "created_at": "2023-08-01T17:45:58.515371",
  "hold_until": null,
  "package_id": null,
  "resolution": null,
  "updated_at": "2023-08-01T17:45:58.515371",
  "shipment_id": "1961490f-2020-4035-b48b-254ba9900bab",
  "exception_type_label": null
Response examples (404)
# Headers
content-type: application/json
x-arta-request-id: FkBjuxbwLLTx4RoAARkx

# Payload
  "errors": {
    "detail": "string"